Better Vision. Better Performance. Better Life.

What is Vision Therapy?


Vision therapy, or VT, is a rehabilitation program prescribed to treat patients who experience visual deficiencies that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses alone. Vision Therapy consists of a series of exercises done in-office to teach the brain how to use both eyes efficiently through feedback and awareness. This involves a variety of specialized tools and equipment such as prisms, therapeutic lenses, filters and digital interactive targets.


Eye tracking, eye teaming and eye focusing problems can make it difficult for children and adults to succeed in school, work, and daily life. Our goal at inSIGHT Vision Performance Center is to improve quality of life by improving visual efficiency and visual processing skills.This type of Neuro-optometric rehabilitation is supported by ongoing, evidence-based scientific research, and our developmental optometrist works with a team of trained vision therapists to develop a program unique for each patient.

Problems We Treat with Vision Therapy


Problems We Treat with Vision Therapy:

• Accommodative Dysfunction

• Amblyopia (Lazy Eye)

• Binocular Vision Problems

• Convergence Insufficiency

• Oculomotor (Tracking) Dysfunctions

• Post-Concussion Vision Syndrome

• Strabismus (Crossed or Turned Eye)

• Visual Processing Disorder

• Traumatic Brain Injury

• Other Neurologically-Based Visual Disturbances

• Sports Vision Training


“Coralynn has always struggled with reading and reading comprehension. She has had headaches for years and spent a lot of time in tears at school. She even had a brain MRI when she was 7 years old. Dr. Betka was able to tell us exactly what was going on with Cora and how we could help her. We were set up with Kelsey, who was amazing. Over the weeks I witnessed my kid go from dreading school, reading, and complaining of headaches and her "eyes hurting" to LOVING to read, and whizzing through school. She now reads above her grade level and is doing 7th grade math with no problems at all. I am more than impressed and incredibly thankful for Dr. Betka, Dr. Goldber, and Kelsey. Thank you so much!

— Maran